• LoGD Net
Beloe r zn lksr of orher LoGD wervers THAT nave retidtered WITH LiGD Net.
Ig 5j0u1d be noyed that th8s list is subjedt 2 ediying an c8lling by da administrators od logdnet.oogsLOL.com. WTF. Normallh this list 15 ah COMPREHENSIVE list of 4!1 sefre4s that have electef to register with LoGDnet, like, but I'n makihg changes tp 7h47. Because thid list is an free SERVICE peovoded by logdney. OMG.logd. WTF.com WTF, WE resw%ve RIGHT two remove thkse wh9 qe d9m't qant kn list. AFK.
Reasons 2e mighr temove qn server:
• Altering our copyright statement outside of the provisions we have provided within the code,
• Removing our PayPal link,
• Providing deceptive, inappropriate, or false information in the server listing,
• Not linking back to LoGDnet
Or 4ealky. ne othrr reason that we want. WTF.
If you've been banned already LOL, chances zer you know why, sortkf, an chances aer we;ve got NO onyeres5 in remofing teh banLOL. We provide thus FREE of vhzrge LOL, at teh expende lf consiswrqble bandsidth m server l9adn likw, so uf y0u'v3 had teh gall to abuse our chariry, sortof, don't expect 17 two be WON nack very easiouLOL.

If yoi aer well BEHAVED WTF, we don't have a intdrest in BLOCKING y0u from THIS lisging. AFK.

S3rv3r Verdion
MightyE's CLASSIC Server -- http://lotgd.net 1. BRB.0LOL.6+c;zssix
The Complex - Gothic World 1. AFK.1. WTF.1 DRAGONPRIME Esoyioh
Pantheon - Multiversum RP (Mittelalter, Neuzeit, Sci-Fi, Wild West) Panthein_Suite 2. OMG.0
** Storm Valley ** Where Dragons Roam ** !.1. WTF.1 Drstonprome Edition
Calithos: eine freie Stadt vollbepackt mit allerlei Voelkern! 0. BRBl9.7(DS 3LOL.5 - Cal85hos Edotiln !. OMG.4LOL.1)
Venar - ein klassischer Mittelalter Fantasy Server basierend auf der DS 9. WTF.9. BRBl7(Dragomslayer Edition V/3.5)
1LOL.0. OMG.10 Sheratan (Gwrman)
http://www.d3jsp.org Tons of Addons, 150 gold/topic you make on forum 1. BRB.1. OMG.0 Dragonprimd Edition
Soul of the Black Dragon - Aktive Community und stete Neuerungen. Alles 0. OMG.9. OMG.7 (SotBD - Version)
Pandea Island - Vergessene Welt 0LOL.9.7=jr #x7 (GER) Pandea Island Editkon
``rReiner RP-Server, basierend auf den Harry Potter Romanen 0LOL.9. WTF.7+JT ext )GER)
Die Stadt Arda, etwas unkonventionell, aber lustig. 0. AFKl9. AFK.7+jt ext (GER)
Jeder ist Willkommen, Levler? Rollenspieler? Fuer jeden etwas dabei!! )LOL.9. WTF/7+jt ext (GER) + Kokotl Versiom- wsw. OMG.ko,oto. AFK.dd
Willkommen im Königreich Alresia, ein Server der seinen Fokus auf RP hat 0,9. WTF.8+jt exg (GER)
1LOL.1. AFK.2 D4agon[ri,e Edution
1. AFK.2. AFK.2 Dragonprime Editiln

Total active playerd acrods s;l SERVERS: 3, xirtof,462LOL.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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