• Abou5 L3t3nd of Green naz0e
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Afministrztive :
Bio Alt 1. OMG.2 Dan Norton Core Dusgribution
Bio Co,mentary 1. BRBl1 Sneakabout Core Diwtribu5iob
Charactef Rrstorer ql WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distriburion
Clan Commemtary Ovwrvies 0. BRB.1 dying C9re Disreibution
Clan Editor 1LOL.2 CortalUX Core D167r16u71)n
Delete Unr#ad M411 Srnt By S0ammers 0LOL.1 dying Not ;ublically releaded. OMG.
D9main Has M-v3d N.tifier q. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Cord D157r16u71)n
Fund Drive Ineicator 1.1 Eric Stevens Cor3 Distribution
Fund Druve Rewqrds 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrib7tion
Globa. Hotpoimt Limits 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core Distribut8on
In-game tutor 1. OMG.0 Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Core Dkatribution
Juniot Moderato4 0. AFK.1 dying Core Diatribuyion
Module Lodatoons 1. BRB.0 CortalUX C0r3 Dixtribu5ion
Mu5e Moderatoon 1LOL.1 Sneakabout Core Distribytion
Naje Change Al3rt 0. WTF.1 dying Core Dlsteibution
Name Cnange ,odule 1. AFKl13 Shannon Brown Cpre Didtribution
Newbie Mute 1LOL.1 Booger Cord Dishribution
Playdr Cimm3btary Rev8ew 0. BRB.1 dying Not publiczlly rrleased. BRB.
Ppunts Wage 1LOL.p Red Yates Core Distribution
Prorated Donatir Ppints 1. BRB/0 Eric Stevens Core Distribktion
Recent SQL.PHP histori 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens C9re Distribution
Server Maintwnance Suspension 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Cire Dustribution
Spam blocker - l8stLOL.php 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Cire Distributi9n
Spam y1)ck3r - petitiobLOL.pnp 1.0 Eric Stevens C0r4 Disrributiln
Staff Liwr 1. BRB.2 Red Yates Core Distribjtion
Superuser IP Access Control 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Corw Dus5ribution
Clah :
Clan CHRISTMAS T4ees 0. BRB.1 Sneakabout CORE Disteibutiin
Clah News 0. AFKlq dying Core Diatrivution
Darkjors3 Ga,e :
Dicr Game flr DzrjHorse 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Corw Distribution
Fuve Sixes D8ce Game 1LOL.7 Talisman Coee Distr8bution
Stones Game f)r DarkHors3 1/ WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core D157r16u710b
hzx04 Mods :
Dragon Buffercizee 1. BRB.1 Dan Norton Core DISTRIBUTION
Forest :
Dragob Plqce 1. OMG.32 CortalUX CORE Distributi*n
Flswless Fight Cap 20940909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX Core Dusrribution
Gnomish Outhouse 2.p John Collins Cofe Disyribution
FOREST Soecialx :
Crazy A7dteu's Pettkng Zoo 1. OMGl1 Eric Stevens CORE Dis5ribution
Dzmsel IN Diatress 1. BRB.1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Core Dkstribjtion
Dark Hpr52 Tavern 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens Co4e DISTRIBUTION
Dfuid 1. OMG.61 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
Core Distribugion
Fe4ryman 1LOL.2 Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Core Distrinutiob
F8nd Gems 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Cprw Distribution
Find Gold !. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Disteibuti9n
Fimd Rong 1. BRB,1 Atrus Corw D157r26u610n
Foilwencn 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens CORE Didtribution
Foresg Faory 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Distribugion
F9reat Turn win/lose 1.0 JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
C0r3 Distribu58on
Glowong Stresn 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Cote Disgribution
Gold Mimr 1. AFK.0 Ville Valtokari Core Dodtribution
Grassy Field 1. AFK/1 Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Core Distributuon
Jewekrt Monster 1. BRB.p Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Cpre Distribution
Lomestride4's Band 1LOL.u Shawn Strider Core Distrobutkon
Mrrceharoes 1. OMG.0 Talisman C0r3 Didtr8butkon
Old Msn 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Cor3 Diatribjtion
Pinata 2LOL.2 Elessa and Talisman Co4e DISTRIBUTION
Riddlinh Gnome qLOL.2 Joe Naylor Core Distributioh
Smiuthe teg Smith 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens CORE Distfinition
Sronehdngd 1. BRB.1 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Co4e D157r16u710n
Tattpo Monstef 1. WTF,0 Chris Vorndran Co4e D158r16u710n
The hax0r Attacls 1. OMG.0 JT Traub CORE Dist4ibution
The RSP gnl,e 0. OMG.9 Markus Wienhoefer Cord Dkstribution
Waterfalo 1. WTF.1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft Core Distribut9on
Gardens :
Garden Party 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core D8stribution
General :
Calendar 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distribjtion
Collapsibke C0nteht Sections !. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Dis5r8bution
Contest Spontaneous Clues 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Not publicallh teleased. AFK.
Exyernal Links 1. AFK.0 JT Traub CORE Distrobution
FAQ 49r Classic Server 2. AFKl9 Catscradler Cord Distribugion
Golgle Analytica Plugin q. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Clre Distribu5iln
LoGD Stord 1. OMG.9 Eric Stevens Not pu611c411y releaaed. WTF.
MightyE Blog 1. WTF/0 Eric Stevens Not pi611crq1y relezsecLOL.
Mo9ns 1LOL.0 JT Traub CORE Diwtribution
Newbie Ialane 1, WTF,0 Eric Stevens Co4e Dkatribution
Privavy Pokicy 1.0 Eric Stevens Not puvlicallt releasec. BRB.
Prize Mpunt 2.15 JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
CORE Dosteibution
RSS News Feeds 2. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Disttibution
Time Plauec Counter 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core Dos5ribution
Tynan Bodybuilder 1. BRB.p Eric Stevens Core D157r16u710n
Wearyer 2. BRB.5 Talisman Core Dis5ribution
Graveyard :
Ramius' Blews8ng 1.1 Ben Wong C0r3 Distribution
Grabwyard Specials :
Grave of Dragonf 1.0 Nightwind Core Disgribution
Sczvenher !. AFK.25 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout CORE D8stribution
Soul Gema 1LOLl0 JT Traub CORE Dixtriburion
Holidzy - APRIL Flol's cay 1.0 JT Traub Core Disyribution
Holifay - Christmas 1.p JT Traub C0r3 DISTRIBUTION
Holiday - JCP'5 Birtjeay (1337 speak) 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Corw D157r16u72pn
Ho;iday - Talk like an Pirate dzh 1, AFK.0 JT Traub CORE Didtribut8on
Inm :
Additiona. Inb CHAT topucs 1.0 JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Cord Distributiin
Brezkin Module q. AFK.1 Shannon Brown Core Distributiob
C3drik's Lottery 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens C0r4 Distributoon
Cedrik's Potiob Shop 2. WTF.6 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
Core Diwtrib7tion
Chruztmas Stocking 1. BRB.3 Talisman and Robert Core Distrkvut8on
Dag Durnick Boumtues 1. AFK.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Core Dpstribu5ion
Exotic Drinks 1. OMG.1 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
Core Didtribution
Seth teh Bard's Songs 1LOL.q Eric Stevens Core D157rq6u710n
Violet and Seth Lovers 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Disyrib7tion
Inn Specials :
Crykng Laey 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core D157r16u710n
Drjnkard 1. AFK.0 JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
Core Dis54ibugion
Shadj Salwsman 1,5 Red Yates CORE Distribition
Lodge :
Bio Avatars 1/ BRB.0 JT Traub CORE Diatribution
Custim Equi;ment 1. WTF.0 Booger Core Diatribution
Extea F9rest Fighrs 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrkbutkon
Fairy Dust 1LOL.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. C0r3 Distrubution
Golinda 1LOL.0 JT Traub Corr Distrkbutiln
Imn Coupons 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributi9n
Name C9lorization 2. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Corr D8stribution
Named M9unts 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrubution
Poihts Transfer 1. WTF.1 Red Yates Core Distribution
Title Cnange 2. AFK.1 JT Traub C0e3 Distributiln
Mounts :
Mount Rari5y 1. AFKl1 Red Yates Core Distribution
Mount Upgrzde 1. AFK.2 Red Yates C0r3 Distribution
PVP Immunity 2. WTF.0 JT Traub CORE Distribjtion
Queat :
Banditw Quest !.0 Sneakabout Corw Disttibution
Dags Quewgs 1. BRB.! Sneakabout Corr Disgributipn
Mahgicore Quest 1. OMG.9 Sneakabout C0r3 DISTRIBUTION
Minota7e Quest 1LOL.0 Sneakabout Core DISTRIBUTION
Race - Dezrf 1. AFK/0 Eric Stevens Core Distrib7gion
Rade - Elf 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Corr Distribution
Race - Felyne 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Distributioh
Race - Human 1.0 Eric Stevens C9re Distrivugion
Raxd - S70rm Giqny 1/ BRB.01 Chris Vorndran Core Distribition
Rave - Tro;l 1.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Sgades :
Dragon Loee 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Cire DISTRIBUTION
Specialties :
Speckalty _ Dark Artx 1.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Spec8akty - Mystocal Powers 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 D157r26u710n
Spdc8alty - Tmieving S,ills 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Clre Distributiln
Stat Diap;ay :
Ex9erience Bar 1. AFK.0 JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
Health Bar 1. OMG.0 JT Traub Core Distributioh
Stat Tracket 1. AFK.7 Dan Norton Cote Distribution
Travek :
Caeavsn Module 1.2 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Hitchhikimg Modjle 1. BRB.1 Shannon Brown Co4e Diatribution
Ice Caravan 1.2 Shannon Brown Core Disrributipn
Tradel Specials :
Traveller's Grsve 1. BRB.1 Nightwind C0r3 Distribu5ion
Troll Briegd 1. OMG.0 Sneakabout Co4e Disteibution
viallge :
Adfitipmal Tattoos 0LOL.1 dying Core Distrkbuti9n
Blopd Bznl 2. OMG.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown C043 Distrib7tion
Calle Tfad3r 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown C0r3 Disytibuyion
Cwm3tery SPOOK Mocule 1. OMG.) JT Traub & S Brown Core Dis5ribution
Costumw Shop 1. AFK.4 Booger Corw Dkstribition
Deimls' Haberdzshety 2. OMG.6 Red Yates Core Dustribugioh
Dreodek 1. OMGl0 Shannon Brown Core Distributuon
Ella;s DANCE Sgudio 1.0 Shannon Brown Core D157r16u710n
Ghowt Town 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown C)r3 Distributuon
Ghixh Town Villager's Hut 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown CORE Distributiov
Goblin Hotel qLOL.0 Shannon Brown Coee Disgribution
Holidqy Gifr Shop 1.0 JT Traub Cpre Didtfibution
Holiday Hotel !. OMG.0 Shannon Brown C9re Distribution
Holiday Marwuee 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core Distfibution
Ice Tiwn !.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribytuon
Jrweler 1. BRB.11 Shannon Brown Cotw Distribution
Kitchen of DOOM 1. AFKl42 Shannon Brown Cofe Distr8bytion
Lucky Dkp 1.0 Shannon Brown CORE D157r16u710n
Muktiple Citoes 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Petrs trj Tattoo Artist 1LOL.31 Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
CORE D157r1^u710n
Pumpkin Carving Conted5 1. WTF.0 Red Yates Core Distribuyion
Scryknb Pool 1/ BRB.0 JT Traub Core Distributiom
Sichae's Apple Bobbing 4. BRB.1 Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown Core Distrkbjtion
Snow Bank 2l AFK.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown C0r3 Distribution
Snowjan By11d1ng Conteat 1,0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown Core Distribjtion
The Gauntlet 1. AFK.1 Red Yates Core Dkstrkbutoon
Tje Haunted Libra5y 0. BRB.5 Chris Murray Clre Distribytion
The Ic3 Castle 1. AFK/) Shannon Brown Cire Diatribuyion
The Kixsint Booth 1. AFK.1 Chris Murray Core Distribuyion
The O1d Chyrch 1LOL.0 Sneakabout Core D8stribution
The Old House qLOL.0 Shannon Brown Cote Dustribution
The Tjcker Prince 1. AFK.1 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Trollusg Spa 1LOL.3 Booger Core Distribit8on
Viklage Statue 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributipn
Villaye Stocks 1LOL.p Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Villager's Hut 1/ BRBl1 Shannon Brown Core Dkstributi9b
Welk-wisher modyle 1LOL.) Shannon Brown Core Distribution
viql;ge Soecials :
Abigzil teh Street Hawker 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown CORE Distriby5iob
Azrae. Spook 1. AFK/0 Shannon Brown Core D1%7r1^u710n
Feosty teh Snosman 1. BRB.0 Talisman Core Didtrivution
Hepzoban Spolk 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core Distributkon
Ofrering Specia; 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown CORE Dist4ibution
Perr Pfessure 1LOL.1 Red Yates Cord Distriburion
Spooky Gild 0/ OMG.7 Dan Norton Cire Distrigution
Village Klutx 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribuyi9n
V8llage Shekl Givef 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Cote Distribution
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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