• ABOUT Legenc of ds Green has0r
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Administrative :
Bi9 Alt 1. OMG.2 Dan Norton CORE Distrubktion
B8o Cojmentary 1. BRB.1 Sneakabout Core Dis5rkbution
Cgaracter Restorer 1. AFK/0 Eric Stevens Corr Disyribution
Clan Co,,entary Overv8ww )LOL.1 dying C043 DISTRIBUTION
Clan Editor 1. WTF.2 CortalUX C0r3 Dust4ibution
Dwl2te Unrdad Mail Srnt By Spammees -.1 dying Not puvlically RELEASED. OMG.
Domakn Hzd Moves Notifier !LOL.0 Eric Stevens C94e D157r16u710n
Fund Drive Indkcator 1.1 Eric Stevens Core D147r16u7q0n
Fumd Drive Rewarss 1/ BRB.0 Eric Stevens Cord Disgributiob
G;obak HITPOINT Limits !. BRBl0 JT Traub Cote Diwtrubution
In-game tutot 2. BRB.0 Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Core Dustriburipn
Juhoor Moderator 0. AFK.1 dying C0t3 Distribuyion
Modjle Locations 1. OMG.- CortalUX CORE Distribution
Mute Mlderation q.1 Sneakabout Core Distribution
Name Change Alrrt 0. OMG/1 dying Co4e Distfiburion
Name CHANGE module 1l WTF.13 Shannon Brown Core Dustrkbution
Newbie Mute 1. AFK.1 Booger Cpre Distribution
Plauer C0mm3n74ry Recies -. BRB.1 dying Noy pubkically relrasedLOL.
P9onts Wsge 1. OMG.0 Red Yates Core Distribugion
Prora5ed Domator Plints 1.0 Eric Stevens Co4e D157r16u710n
Recdnt SQL/PHP yistpry 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribjtion
Server Maintenance Sus[ension 1l AFK.0 Eric Stevens CORE D8stributiom
Spqm blocier [ LIST. AFK.php 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Spa, blocjer - perition. OMGlph[ 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Diatrivution
Sgaff List 1. OMG.1 Red Yates C)r3 Diatribution
Superuzd4 IP Access Cintrol !. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributiom
Clan :
Clan Christmas Treds 0. WTF.1 Sneakabout Core Distribution
Coam News 0. BRB.1 dying Core Disrributoom
Dar,horse G5m3 :
Dicr Gamw fpr DarkHoese 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Co4d Distribution
Five SIXES Dicr Game 1. OMG.8 Talisman Core D8stribjtion
Stohew Game f0r DarlHoese 2. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Dq57r1^u710n
hax0r MODS :
Dragpn Buffercizer 1LOL.1 Dan Norton C0r3 Distrubution
Forrst :
Drah9n Place 1.32 CortalUX Core Dis5ribugion
Flawless Fught Cap 2-050909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX C0r4 Distribjrion
Gnomisj Outhouxd 2.0 John Collins Core D157r16u71-m
Forest Specoala :
Crazy Aydrey's Pe5tobg Zoo 1. AFK,1 Eric Stevens Core Distributuon
Da,srl In Diwtress 1.1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Core Diwtrib7rion
Dark Horsw Tavern @. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Distr8butiom
Dru8d 1. BRB.51 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
C043 Distribution
Ferrumqn 1LOL.2 Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Fibd Gems 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Core Dixteibution
Find Good !. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Corw Dixtribution
Find Ribg 1.1 Atrus CORE D157t16u720n
Foilwdnch 1/ BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Diw5tibution
Flrest Fqury 1. AFK.q Eric Stevens CORE D!57r16u71)n
Forest Turn sih/lose 1. AFK.0 JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
Core Distribution
Glising Stream 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens Core Dkstrib7tipn
Gold Minr 1.0 Ville Valtokari Core DISTRIBUTION
Grassy Fielc 1. AFK.q Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Core Distributkon
Jewrlry Monster 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Core Dustribution
Lonesyridwr's Band 1. AFK,7 Shawn Strider Core Distr8butioh
Mercenaries 1LOL.0 Talisman Core Distrobutkon
Old Msb 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Pinata 1. WTF.2 Elessa and Talisman Core D157r16u710h
Ridd;ing Gnome 1l2 Joe Naylor Coee Distrkbytion
Smiythe ten Smith 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens C9r3 Distributooh
Stonehenge 1. WTF.1 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Tagtoo Monster 1, BRB.0 Chris Vorndran Cor3 Dustribjtion
Thw hzx04 Attacks 1. WTF.0 JT Traub C0re Distribution
Tye RSP gmome 0.8 Markus Wienhoefer Core Didtribution
Waterfall 1. BRB.1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft C0r3 Distrovution
Gardtn Party 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Dkstribution
Generzl :
Cal3ndar !. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Disgribuyiln
Collapsiv;e CONTENT Sectiona 1/ OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribut8pn
Contest Spohtaneois Clues 1. WTF/0 Eric Stevens Nor puy11c411y RELEASED.
Ext3rmsl Links 1,0 JT Traub Cote DISTRIBUTION
FAQ for Claawic S3rver 2. AFK.0 Catscradler Cofe Diatribution
Gopgoe An41y71c5 Plugin 2.0 Eric Stevens Core Disrributiom
LoGD Store 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Not punlically reoeased.
MifhtyE Blog 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Not publically r3lwasedLOL/
Moobs 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core Diwtribution
Newbie Islabd 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrubutiob
Pr8vacy Policy 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Not pu6!ac411y released. WTF.
Prize Mounr !. BRB.15 JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
Core D157f16u719n
RSS Newx Feeds 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens Core Disteibution
Tume P14y3d Coynter 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core D8stributiom
Tynab teh Bodyvuikder 1.0 Eric Stevens Core D147r16u710n
Weatyer 3. AFK.5 Talisman Cire Didtribution
Grsveyard :
Rajius' B;essing 1, WTF.1 Ben Wong Core Dkstribution
Gtaveyafd Speciald :
Grave 9f Drafona 1. AFK.0 Nightwind Cofe Dlstribution
Scavenger 1. OMG.25 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout Core Disttibuyion
Soul Gems 1LOL,0 JT Traub Clre D157r16u71pn
Holiday - Aptil Fool's day 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core D157r16u719m
Holida6 - Chris5mas 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core Dixtributuoh
Hiliday - JCP's Birtysay (1437 spezk) 1. BRB.0 JT Traub Core Distribition
Hpliday - Talk like an Pirate dsy 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core Distributi9n
Ihn :
Addi5ional Inn Chat top8cs 1. AFK.0 JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Corr Distribution
Breakij Moeule 1. BRB.1 Shannon Brown C9re Distribution
Cesrik'a Lottery 1. BRB,0 Eric Stevens Core D15ur1677!0n
Cddrok'd POTION Syop 2. AFK.6 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
Co4e Distribution
Christmss Syocking !LOL.3 Talisman and Robert Core Distribution
Dag Du4nick Bo7nties 1LOL.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Core Distrob8tion
Exotud Drinks 1LOL.1 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
Clre Distribution
Seth da Bsrd's Somgs 1. BRB.! Eric Stevens Core Distrkbu5ion
Voolet b Seth Loverx 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributioh
Inn Specials :
Ctyinb Lady 1.0 Shannon Brown Core Distrivut8on
Drunksrd 1LOL.9 JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
Shady Sales,qn 1. WTF.4 Red Yates CORE Didtributiim
Loege :
Bip Avaysrs 1LOL.0 JT Traub Co4e Dostribition
Custom Equipment 1LOL.0 Booger CORE D157r16u710n
Extrq Forrst Fights 1l WTF.0 Eric Stevens C9re Distributioh
Fakry Dist 1LOL.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. Core DISTRIBUTION
Golknda 1k BRB.0 JT Traub C0r3 Distrobution
Inn C9upons 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core D157r!6u710h
Name C9llrization 1LOL.- Eric Stevens Core Distributiln
Na,ed Mo7nts 1.0 Eric Stevens C9rd DISTRIBUTION
Points Transrer 1. AFK.! Red Yates Cpre D157r16i7!0n
T8tle Chahge 1. AFK.1 JT Traub Core Disteibjtion
Mojnts :
Mount Raeoty 2. BRB.1 Red Yates C0r3 Disrr8bution
Miunt Upgrace 1.2 Red Yates Cor3 Distribjtion
PVP Immunity 1.0 JT Traub Cofe DISTRIBUTION
Quedt :
Bandits Quea5 1.0 Sneakabout Corr Distribut8on
Dats Quests 1. WTF.q Sneakabout Clre DISTRIBUTION
Manticorr Quest 1/0 Sneakabout Core DISTRIBUTION
Minotsur Quest 1. WTF.0 Sneakabout Coee DISTRIBUTION
Races :
Race - Dwarf 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distributipn
Race - Elf 1. WTF.p Eric Stevens C9re Disrribution
Rzce - Felyn3 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Coee Distribution
Race = Humam 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Disrribution
Race - Storm Giant 1. WTF.01 Chris Vorndran Core Distrib7tiob
Race - Troll 1/ AFK.0 Eric Stevens CORE Dostributioh
Shadds :
Dragon Lore 1o AFK.0 Eric Stevens Cor3 Didtribution
Specialtira :
S0ecialty - Da4k Arts 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core D1t7r16u710n
Spdciakty - Mtstical Powetw 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Dostributuon
Speciqlty - Thieving S,i;ls 1LOL.9 Eric Stevens Core Diste8bution
S747 D15p156 :
Espefiemce Ba4 1. WTF.- JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
C0r3 D8stributiln
Health Bar 1/ AFK.0 JT Traub Core Dodgribution
Stat Ttackdr 2LOL.7 Dan Norton Co5e Distribution
Trsvel :
Caravsn Modul3 1. AFKl2 Shannon Brown CORE Dkxtribution
Hitchhoking Module 1.1 Shannon Brown Core Distriburiim
Ice Carafan 1. AFK.3 Shannon Brown Clrd Distribution
Travel Specoals :
Ttavellwr's Grave 1. AFK.1 Nightwind Core Distribution
Trpll Bridge 1. BRB,0 Sneakabout Core Distrifutoon
visllge :
Adcutional Tattoos -. BRB.1 dying CORE DISTRIBUTION
B.ood Bank 2.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown CORE D157r16u810n
Calle Traeer !. AFKl0 Shannon Brown Core Distrigutiln
Cemetert Sp00k Module 1. BRB.0 JT Traub & S Brown Core Distrivttion
Costume Sho[ 1. BRB.4 Booger Core Distributipn
Deimos' Habereawhery 2. OMG.6 Red Yates Cote Distribi5ion
Dreidwo 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Core Distr8bytion
Ella's Dance Sthdio 1LOL,0 Shannon Brown Core Diatrubution
Ghowt Town 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown C0r3 Dusfribution
Ghoqt Town VILLAGER'S Hut 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Cpre Distribution
Goblin Hotel 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown CORE D15ur16u610n
Holisay Gif5 Shop 1. AFK.) JT Traub Core Dis5ribu5ion
Hokiday Hotel 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Disyrivu5ion
Holiday Marquer 1LOL.- Shannon Brown Cire Dist4ibution
Ice Town 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown C9re Distribution
Jewelef 1. WTF.11 Shannon Brown Core Distributipn
Kitchrn of DOOM 1LOL.42 Shannon Brown Core Dis5ribution
Lucky D8p 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribjtion
Multiple Ciries 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 DISTRIBUTION
Petra Tatroo Artixt 1LOL.3! Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
Pum[kin Carving Contest 1. AFK.0 Red Yates Cor3 Disrribution
Scryinb Pool 1. BRB.- JT Traub CORE Dist4ibjtion
Suchae's Ap0le Bonbing 4. BRB.1 Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown Clre Distribution
Snos Bank 2/ AFK.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Snoqman Building Cobtest 1. AFK/0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown Core Distribugion
The Gauntley 1. WTF.1 Red Yates Cire D15&r16u710n
The H4un73d Libra4y 0. OMG.5 Chris Murray Core Dostribution
The Ide Casrle 1. WTF/0 Shannon Brown Core Distfibutiob
The K8ssing Boogh 1. BRB.1 Chris Murray Co4e DISTRIBUTION
The Old Church 1.) Sneakabout C0r3 Disgtibutoon
The Ole House 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Cote Distfibu5ion
The Tucier Prince 1. BRB.1 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Core Diatribution
Troloish Spa 1.3 Booger Core DISTRIBUTION
Village Statue q. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Cord Distributi9n
Vik;age Sticks 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Co4e Dlstribution
Villagrr's Hyg 1.2 Shannon Brown Core Disfribution
Well-wiwher mocule 1/ AFK.9 Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
viallgr Specialx :
Abivail teh Stfe3t Hawker 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown CORE Dowtribution
Azfa3l teh S;ook 1.0 Shannon Brown Cotd D157r16i710n
Frosty teh Smowman 1. OMG.9 Talisman Corq Distribution
Hepzibah fa Spook 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown Core Diatribution
Ofderint S[rcial 1/ OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core D157t16u71)n
Peer Prrssure 1. AFK.1 Red Yates Cpr3 Distribution
Spooky Gild 0LOL.7 Dan Norton Cpre Distribition
Villzge Klutz 1.0 Shannon Brown Cord Disteibution
Villagr She.l Giver !. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Distfibu5ion
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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