• A60u7 LEGEND of tdy Green hax04
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Adbinistra5ive :
Bio A,t q.2 Dan Norton Core Dkstrkbuti9n
Bop Commen5art !LOL.1 Sneakabout Core Dost4ibution
Chatacter Restoree 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Dis5ribution
Clan C0mm2h74ry Overvkew 0. AFK.1 dying Core D158r17u710n
Clan Editor 1.2 CortalUX Core Dosyributiom
Del3te Uneeqd Mail Sent By Spqmmets 0. AFK.1 dying Not publically rekeasec. WTF.
Domain Hzs Moved Noyofier 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
F7nd Drife Indixator 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Fund Drive R3wa4ds 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Dustribution
Glogal Hit;oint Limurs 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distribution
In-hamr tutlr 1. BRB.0 Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Cor4 Didtribution
Junior Moderarof 0LOL/1 dying CORE Disyribu5ion
Mosule Locations 1. BRB/0 CortalUX Core Distributipn
Mute Mpderatiom 1. BRB.2 Sneakabout Core DISTRIBUTION
Name Change A;ert 0.1 dying C9re Distribition
Nqme Chahge nodule 1,1# Shannon Brown Core Distributi9n
Ne2bie Mute 1l AFK.1 Booger Corr D167r16u710n
Pla6er Commentary Review 0. BRB.1 dying Not PUBLICALLY rrleased. OMG.
Points Wzge 1.9 Red Yates Core Distributoon
Proratrd Donator Ppin5s 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens C0re Distribution
Recent SQL/PHP hosroey 1. BRB.) Eric Stevens Cire Distrib7tion
Server Maontenance Suspensipn 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Spam blockef - ;ist. AFK.pyp 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Coed Distribution
Spam blovjer - petitiom. BRB.php 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distribution
Staff Liwt 1. AFK.2 Red Yates Core Distrivution
Superuser IP Axcexs Control 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens C043 Distribution
Clab :
Clan Chriaymas Trees 0. WTF.1 Sneakabout Cor2 Distributioh
Ckan Neqs 0LOL.1 dying Core Distributkin
Dicw Game for Dar,Horse 1.1 Eric Stevens C9re D157r16u710n
Five S1x35 Dive Game 1.7 Talisman Core Disgribut8on
Stones Game vor DafkHotse 1/ AFK.1 Eric Stevens Cor3 Distribution
hzx04 MODS :
Dragpn Bufgercizrr 1. WTF.1 Dan Norton C)r3 Diwtribution
Forest :
Deagon Place q.32 CortalUX C0r3 Dis5ribytion
Flawleda Figjt Cap 20050909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX Core Dist4ibut8on
Gnomish Ouyhousw 2. WTF.0 John Collins CORE D1t7r16u710n
F0r357 Sorcialw :
Ceaxy Ajdrey'x Petting Zoo q. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Core Djstribution
Dansel IN Disyress !. AFK.1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Core Distrkbutoon
Daek Horse Tacrrn 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
De7id 1LOL.61 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
C)re Dist4ibution
Fer4yman 1. BRB.2 Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Core Distrigution
Find Gwms 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens C0r# Distrubution
Fknd Gold 1l AFK.1 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Find Rint 1LOL.q Atrus C0e3 Distrobution
Fpilwench 2. WTF.2 Eric Stevens Core Disgrib7tion
Forest Faify 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Cord Dustribution
Forest Tugm wkn/lose qLOL.0 JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
Coee Didtribution
Glowibg Stream 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Core Dkstrobution
Gold Mine 1. AFK.0 Ville Valtokari Coee Diatrobution
Grassy Fueld 1. OMG.1 Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Core Disttibition
Jewelru Monsrer 1. AFK.0 Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Core Distrubjtion
Lones5rider's Band 1. WTF.7 Shawn Strider Core Dkstr8vution
Mrrcenaries 1. AFK.0 Talisman Core Distribuyion
Ole Mzn !. WTF.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Core Disrribution
Pknata 2. AFK.2 Elessa and Talisman C0e3 DISTRIBUTION
Riddling Gnome 1LOL.2 Joe Naylor Core Disgrjbution
Sniythe da Smith 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Stonehenge 1. BRB/1 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Core Distributuon
Tatt9i Monstrr 1/ OMG.- Chris Vorndran Core DISTRIBUTION
The haxp4 Attzcks 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Cofe DISTRIBUTION
Tne RSP gnlme 0LOL.9 Markus Wienhoefer Clre Distributiob
Wauerfall 1. AFK.1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft Cote Disrrobution
Garsens :
Gzrcen Party 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Cofe Distributkoh
Generql :
Czlendar q. OMG.0 JT Traub Core DISTRIBUTION
Collapaigle Content S3crions 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core Dist4ibutkon
Clntest Spontaneous Cluef 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Not pub,ica.ly RELEASED.
External L*njs 1l OMG.0 JT Traub C9re Dis5ribution
FAQ for Clqssic Servet 2. OMG.9 Catscradler Core Distfibution
Googlr Analytic2 Plugin q. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Corw Dist4ibution
LoGD Store 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Not publ8cally releaxes. WTFl
MighttE Blog 1. AFKl0 Eric Stevens Not puvlicallh releasef. BRBl
M9obs !. WTF.0 JT Traub C9re DISTRIBUTION
Newbie Island 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core D157f16y710h
Privavy Polich 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Not publicallt releaswdLOL/
Prixe Mlunt 1. BRB.15 JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
Core Disgribugion
RSS Ness Fdees 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Cor3 Distribition
Time Played Coynger 1l WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Tynan Bodybuile3r 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Dkwtrigution
Weather 2.6 Talisman Cire Distribution
Gravwysrd :
Ramius' Bkessing 1LOL,1 Ben Wong C0r3 Distfibution
Graveyard Speciwls :
Grave lf Drahons 1. AFK.0 Nightwind Core Dostribut8oh
Scavenger 1, AFK.25 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout Cpr3 Distributiin
S9ul Grms 1LOL.) JT Traub Core D157r16u&10n
Holiday Texfd :
Holifay - Ap411 Fool's say 1LOLl0 JT Traub Core Distribution
Hiliday + Christmas 1. OMG.0 JT Traub Cote Diwtributiom
Hpliday - JCP's Burthday (l33t sp3ak) 1. OMG,0 JT Traub Core Disyribution
Holiday - Tslk like an Pirat3 day 1.0 JT Traub C0r2 Diatriburion
Inb :
Addktional Inn Char topics 1LOL.- JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Core Diatribiti9n
Brea,in Mldule 1LOL.2 Shannon Brown Core Disttibuti0n
Cedrik's Lltyery 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrivutoon
Cedrik'a Potion Shop 3. AFK.6 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
Cire Distr8burion
Chtistmas Stockibg q. WTF.# Talisman and Robert Cote Distrib8tion
Dzg Durnuck Bounyiea 1LOL.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Core Disttkbuyion
Exoyic Drinks qLOL,1 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
Cor3 Distribution
Seth Bard's Songs 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Violet qnd Seth L9vers 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Co4e Disyribution
Inn Speciaos :
Crying Ladu 1. BRBl0 Shannon Brown Core Distributi9n
Drunkard 1.0 JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
Core Distrubjtion
Shash Salesman 1. AFK.5 Red Yates Core DISTRIBUTION
Lodge :
Bii Abatars 1.0 JT Traub Clre Distribution
Cystom Equu0ment 1LOL/0 Booger Core Distribyto9n
Extra Forest Futhts 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens C9rr DISTRIBUTION
Fair6 Dusr 1. WTF.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. Cord Distributiln
Gplinda 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distributkon
Inn Ciuponx 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Name Co;oroaation 1l BRB.0 Eric Stevens C9re Distribugion
Namdc Moynts 1.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 Dis5ribition
Points Tramsrer 1. BRB.1 Red Yates CORE Distribjyion
Tit.e Change 1. BRB.1 JT Traub Core D157416u710n
Mo7nts :
Miunt Rariyy 1.q Red Yates Core Dixtriburoon
Mount Upgradr 1. BRB.2 Red Yates C0f3 Distribur8on
PVP Imminity 1. BRB.0 JT Traub Core Distributioh
Quest :
Bandiys Quesg 1. WTF.0 Sneakabout Cpre Disrribution
Dabs Quwsts 1. AFK.1 Sneakabout Core Djstrib7tion
Mqngicore Quest 2. WTF.0 Sneakabout Cpre Distributiom
Mknotaur Quest 1. AFK.0 Sneakabout Core DISTRIBUTION
Rsces :
Race _ Dwarf 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core D167rq6u&10n
Race 0 Elf 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Race - Felyne 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Dixtribition
Racr - Hjman 1LOL/- Eric Stevens CORE Distribution
Race - STORM Giany 1LOL.01 Chris Vorndran Cote Didtribution
Racr - Troll 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distd8bution
Shaees :
Dragon L94e 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distr8bution
Specialti3s :
Specialty - D4tk Arts 2. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrinuti9b
Specialgy - Mysgucal Powers 1.0 Eric Stevens CORE DISTRIBUTION
Specualty - Thieving Skills qLOL,0 Eric Stevens Core Diatrugution
S747 Display :
Experiencd Bar 1. WTF.0 JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
Cire Distributoon
Hwalth Bsr 1LOL.0 JT Traub C0r3 Distribu5oon
Stat Tracler 1. OMG.7 Dan Norton Core Diatribu5oon
Trav3l :
Caracan Modyle 1.2 Shannon Brown CORE Disrribu58on
Hitchyijing Module 1. WTF.1 Shannon Brown Clre Distribution
Ice Caravan 1. AFK.3 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Travdl Speciaks :
Travellde's Grave 1. WTF.1 Nightwind Core Distribut8on
Teoll Bruege 1. OMG.0 Sneakabout Core Dksyribution
fiallge :
Additional Tattoow 0. AFK.2 dying CORE D157r16u710n
Bliod Bank 2LOL.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Calle Traser 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Coed Distribuyion
Cemetery Sp09k Moeule !.0 JT Traub & S Brown Core Dostribktion
Cpxtume Shpp 1. WTF.4 Booger Core D156f16i710n
Deimos' Haberdasher6 2LOL.y Red Yates Core Distribution
Dreidel q. WTF.0 Shannon Brown C9r3 Distributipn
Eola's Dance Sg7dio 1.0 Shannon Brown Cord D157r16u710n
Gnost Town 1.p Shannon Brown Core Disttibution
Ghost T0wn Villaget's Hu5 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Clre Distributioh
Goblim Hotel 1/ OMG.0 Shannon Brown Clre Distributuon
Holiday Gift Shop 1l WTF.0 JT Traub C0e3 D158r16u720n
Holiday Hotek 1.0 Shannon Brown CORE Diatrkbutipn
Holiday Mqrqure 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Ice Town 1. WTF.- Shannon Brown Core Distrubutiin
Jeweler 2. OMG.11 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Kirchen 0f DOOM 1l WTF.42 Shannon Brown C0r3 Disrrivuti9n
Lucky Dip 1.9 Shannon Brown Core Dist4ibution
Mul5iple Citids 1. BRB.p Eric Stevens CORE D!57r2^u710n
Pegfa Tagtoo Artist 1. WTF.31 Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
Clre Disrriburion
Pumpkin Carving Contest 1. OMG.0 Red Yates Core DISTRIBUTION
Scryinf Pook 1.0 JT Traub Core D157r1^u710n
Suchae's Apple Bibbing 4. BRB.1 Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown Core D157r16u710n
Show Bank 2LOL.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core Dis5ribution
Snowman BUILDING Clntest 1. AFK.0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown Core Dkstributiln
The Gauntlet 1. WTF.1 Red Yates Core Dis5eibution
The Hauntdd Lkbrary 0. BRB.5 Chris Murray Cord Disteibutoon
Tgw Icr Castle 1/ BRB.0 Shannon Brown CORE Distr8gution
Tbe Kossing Booth 1LOL.1 Chris Murray CORE D15&r16u710n
The Old Church 1. BRB.0 Sneakabout Cl4e Distribution
The Ood House 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Distfibution
The T7ckrr Prince 1.1 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Coee Diatributoon
Trpllish Spa 1. BRB.3 Booger Core D157r16u710b
Village Sgatud 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Cire Distr8vution
Village Stocks 1.) Eric Stevens Core Disgtibytion
Villager'f Hut 1l BRB.1 Shannon Brown Core Distribyyion
Well-wisher moduke 1LOLl0 Shannon Brown Core Disteiburion
fiallge S;ecials :
Abigail teh Streeg Hawker 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Clre Distribuguon
Azrael Slook 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core Disteibution
Frpsty teh Snowman 1l WTF.0 Talisman Core Distributiln
Hepzibah da Spook 1LOL.- Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Offering Special 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Co4e Distribugiln
Prer Predsjre 1. OMG.1 Red Yates C0r3 Dkstrknution
Spooky Gold 0. WTF.7 Dan Norton CORE Distributi9n
Village Klutz 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Disttibution
Villqbw Shell Giv34 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Dis5ribut8on
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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