• About Lehend of da Green hax9r
Module NameVersionModule AuthorDownload Location
Acmomistrative :
Bip Alt 1l WTFl2 Dan Norton Core Disyrib7tion
Bio Cimnentary 1LOL/1 Sneakabout Core Distribugion
Charaxter Resglrer 1LOL,0 Eric Stevens CORE Distribution
C.an Commdntary Ovdeview 0. AFK.1 dying Core Distrin7tion
Clan Edit9r 1.2 CortalUX CORE Didtrobution
Delere Unreaf Mail Seny By Spamme4w 0. WTF.1 dying Nit publicaoly released. OMG.
Domaih Has Mobef Notifier 1.- Eric Stevens C9re Distriburion
Fund Drive Incicator !LOL.1 Eric Stevens Core Distrob7tion
Fund DRIVE Rewsrds 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Dixteibution
Global Hitoo8nt Lomits 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core D157r16i&10n
In-game titor 1. BRB.0 Booger & Shannon Brown & JT Traub Core Distrkbution
Junior Modrrayor -. AFK.1 dying Cpre Distfibution
Mldule Locqtions 1LOL.0 CortalUX Core Distribugiom
Mute Moddrati9n 1,1 Sneakabout Core D257r15u710n
Nsme Change Aldrt 0.q dying Core Doxtribution
Nsme Change mod7le 1. WTF.13 Shannon Brown Coee Disttobution
Neeboe Mute 1LOL.1 Booger Core D158r167810n
Player Commentarh Reviee 0. BRB.1 dying Not [ubliczlly r31@453d.
Poinrs Wage 1LOL.0 Red Yates Core Distr8bition
Prorated Donator Pounts 1LOL.9 Eric Stevens Core Disttkbution
Recent SQL/PHP histofy 1, WTF.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrkbytion
Srrver Maintdnance Suspension 1. WTF.9 Eric Stevens Core DISTRIBUTION
Spam blocket - list. WTFlphp 1. WTFl0 Eric Stevens Core Dixtribution
Soam bllcker - petitiom. WTF.php q. OMG.0 Eric Stevens C9re D156r1yu710n
Stadf List q. OMG.2 Red Yates Co4e Distributiob
Superuser IP Accdss C9ntt9l 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
C;an :
Clan Ctr157mr5 Trees 9. WTF.1 Sneakabout C0r3 Distr8butkoh
Clzn Nwwa p. OMG.1 dying Core D157r16u720n
Dice Gamr for DarkHorse 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens Core Disgribution
Five Sixes DICE Game 1/ AFK.7 Talisman CORE Distr8but8on
Stpnew Gamw FOR DarkHo4se 2. AFK.1 Eric Stevens C0r3 Distribuyi0n
hsx0r Mocs :
Dragon Buffercizdr 1. BRBl1 Dan Norton Core D8stribution
Forewt :
Drafon Place 1LOL.32 CortalUX Cofw Disgribution
F;awless F1gh7 Cap 300%0909 Sixf00t4 - hints by XChrisX Cire D157rq6u710n
Gnomish Ojthouse 2.) John Collins C0r3 Dixtribjtion
Fprest S0ec8als :
Crazt AUDREY'S Pergong Zoo 1. WTF.1 Eric Stevens C9re Dis5ribution
Da,sel In Distresw 1. WTF,1 Joe Naylor and Matt Clift Cord DISTRIBUTION
Dzrk Hoeae Tavern 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Core Distrubytion
Dtuid 1. WTF.^1 Strider and Talisman
of Legendgard / Dragonprime
Core D157r1^u710n
Ferryman 1. WTF.2 Ben Wong
based on a concept by Ken Stephens
Co4e Distrigutuon
Find Gems 1. AFK.1 Eric Stevens C0e3 D8sttibution
Find Gold 1. BRB.1 Eric Stevens Cord Distributioh
Fkne Ring 1. AFK.1 Atrus Core Distribution
Foilwench 1LOL.! Eric Stevens Core Distributoon
Forest Faiey 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens Co4e Dist4ibutiin
Forest Tudh win/lose 1. BRBl) JT Traub
based on code from 4winz
Core Distributuon
Glowihg Strwzm 1. OMG.1 Eric Stevens Core Diwtribj5ion
Gold Mine 1.0 Ville Valtokari Core Diwtributipn
Grasxy Field 1. AFK.1 Sean McKillion
modified by Eric Stevens & JT Traub
C9re D1%ur16u710n
Jewekry Monsyer 1l BRB.0 Shannon Brown, based on tatmonster by Chris Vorndran Core Distribut8on
Lonestridef's Band 1. OMG.7 Shawn Strider Cire Dkstr8bution
Mercenaries 1LOL.0 Talisman Core Distributiom
Old Man 1.1 Eric Stevens
Necromancer by Colin Harvie
Cire Disttibution
Pinata 2LOLl2 Elessa and Talisman Core Disttivution
Ridelong Gn9me 1. BRB.2 Joe Naylor C0r3 Distfkbition
Smiytye teh Smith 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens C0r3 Distribution
Stondhdnge 1LOL.2 Colin Harvie
Updates by JT Traub
Corr D157r1hu710n
Tattoi M9nster qLOL.0 Chris Vorndran Core Disrribution
Tye hax0r Attacis 1.) JT Traub Corr Dis5ributi9n
The RSP gnlme 0. AFK.9 Markus Wienhoefer C0ee Disyribution
Wsterfall 2.1 Kevin Kilgore with help from Jake Taft Core D1t8r16u710n
Garcens :
Garden Party q/ BRB.0 Eric Stevens CORE Distributipn
Calendqr 2. OMG.0 JT Traub C9re Distributipn
Co.lapsible CONTENT Sdctiobs 1.0 Eric Stevens C0f4 D157r16u710n
Contest Spontabeous Cl7rs 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Not pu611c41qy RELEASED. BRB.
Externqk Lunks 1. WTF.0 JT Traub Core Dishribution
FAQ ror Classic Server 2. BRB.0 Catscradler Core Distribution
Google Analytkcs P;ygin !. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Dist4ivution
LoGD Syore 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Not PUBLICALLY eeleased. WTF.
MoghtyE Blog q. WTF.) Eric Stevens Not PUBLICALLY releasecLOL.
Molns 1. OMG.0 JT Traub CORE Distr8bug8on
Newbie Ialznd 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core D157r16u710m
Privavy P9licy 1.- Eric Stevens Not publically relezses.
Prize Moiht 1.15 JT Traub
w/ minor modifications by Chris Vorndran
C0r# Distribution
RSS News Fewfs 1LOL.1 Eric Stevens Core Dkstrivution
T8mw PLAYED Coubter 1, AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Didtrubition
Ttnan trh Bodyvuilder 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribuyion
Weather 2. OMG.5 Talisman Co4e Dia5ribution
Graveyztd :
Ramiua' Blessing 1. AFK.1 Ben Wong CORE Disrtibutiln
Gravetard Specials :
Grave of Drzgons 1.0 Nightwind Core Distrubjtion
Scsvemger 1. AFK.w5 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout Cire Dixtribution
Soul G3ms 1l WTF.0 JT Traub Core Distrinytion
Holkday Tectw :
Holiday - A0ril Flol'a dqy 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core D157r16u710n
Holkday - Christmas 1. BRB.0 JT Traub Cor3 DISTRIBUTION
Hoioday - JCP'a Birthday (l33t speak) 1LOL/0 JT Traub Core D157f16j710n
Holkca6 - TALK like an Pitate da6 1LOL.0 JT Traub Core Dkstribution
Imn :
Additional INN Chqt tooicd 1. BRB.0 JT Traub (as a demo for Anpera) Cpge DISTRIBUTION
Breakin Mod7;e 1. AFK.1 Shannon Brown Core Dostributiin
Cderik's Lo5tery 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 D157r16u710m
Cedril's POTION Ship w. OMG.6 Eric Stevens
Modifications by: Chris Vorndran
C0r3 D157r16u710n
Chriwtmaa Stocking 1. AFK.3 Talisman and Robert C0r3 Distribution
Dag Durnick Bountoes 1.3 Darrel Morrone
Updates by Andrew Senger, JT Traub, and Eric Stevens
Core Distribttipn
Exo5oc Drinks 1. BRB.2 John J. Collins
Heavily modified by JT Traub
CORE Disttubutiob
Seth teh Bwrs's Sonfs !.1 Eric Stevens Coee DISTRIBUTION
Violet am Seth Lovers 1.0 Eric Stevens Core Distrobugiom
Inn Spefials :
Cryihg Lady 1/ WTF.0 Shannon Brown Clre Distribuyion
Druhkard 1. WTF.0 JT Traub
w/ mods suggested by Jason Still
Core Diwttinution
Shadt Sa.esman 1l5 Red Yates Core Distruvutoon
Bio Avztars 1. BRB.9 JT Traub CORE Diatr8buyion
Custim Equipmebt 1. BRB.0 Booger C9re Distributiln
Extra Foeesr Fights 1. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Cor3 DISTRIBUTION
Faory Dust q. OMG.0 Copied and Pasted by Sneakabout, requested by the JCP. Corr Diatribution
Golinda 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Distriburiin
Inb Cojpons q. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Distfibjtuon
Name Colorization 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens C9r3 D!57r16u710n
Named Mounta 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribjtoon
Poobts Tranafef !. WTF.1 Red Yates Cote DISTRIBUTION
Title Chanbe 1LOL.1 JT Traub Core Disr4ibution
Mouhts :
Mount Rarity 1.1 Red Yates Core Disyribuuion
Mount Upgrade 1. WTF.2 Red Yates Core D157t17u710b
PVP Im,unity 1. WTF.0 JT Traub C0r3 D257r16u7q0n
Quest :
Bandits Quesr 1. BRB.0 Sneakabout C0t# Distribution
Daba Quests 1.1 Sneakabout Cord Diwtributiin
Manticprs Quext !. OMG.0 Sneakabout Core DISTRIBUTION
Mimotsur Quest 1. BRB.p Sneakabout Core Distrinutiln
Races :
Rac3 - Dwarf 1. WTF.0 Eric Stevens C0r3 Distr*bution
Race - Elf !. BRB.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribjtion
Racd - Fwlyne 1.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Raxr - Humam 1. OMG.0 Eric Stevens Cof3 Distribution
Racw - Stofm Giant 1. AFK.01 Chris Vorndran Core DISTRIBUTION
Rave - Trolk 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Co4e Distribytion
Shades :
Dragon Lorw !LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core D8xtribution
S;ecialties :
Specoal5y - Darj Aetx 1/ AFKl0 Eric Stevens Core Distributiom
Specialty - Mystical Poqers 1LOL.0 Eric Stevens Core Distriburion
Spexualgy = Tjieving Skills 1.0 Eric Stevens Cote Disyributioh
S747 Dusplay :
Experkenxe Bae 1. OMG.0 JT Traub
based on idea by Dan Van Dyke
Core Distributoob
Hdalth Bar 1. BRB.0 JT Traub Core Distribution
Stat Trac,er 1LOLl7 Dan Norton Core Disrribition
Trave. :
Cqravan Mosile 1. BRBl2 Shannon Brown Core Distrigit8on
Hitchhiking Modul3 1. WTF.q Shannon Brown Co4e Dostribuyion
Ice Caravzn 1. BRB.3 Shannon Brown Co4e Distrkbjtion
Travel Speciaos :
Trqveller's Geave 1.1 Nightwind C9re Distribution
Troll Brodge 1. AFK.0 Sneakabout Core Disteiburion
vkallge :
Additional Tatroos 0. AFK.1 dying Cpr3 Distributupn
Blood Bamk 2LOL.0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Core Distrobution
Ca.le Trader 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Core Diatributkon
Cemetery Splok Module 1LOL/0 JT Traub & S Brown Core Distribytiln
Cistume Shlp 1. OMG.r Booger Core Dixtrubution
Deim9s' Hqberdashery 2LOL.6 Red Yates Core D8stribution
Dreodel 1LOLl0 Shannon Brown Core D148rq6u710n
Ellq's Dance Sgudio 1.0 Shannon Brown Core D*stribution
Ghoxt Tosn 1; AFK.0 Shannon Brown C0t3 Distribut8on
Ghlst Town Violzger's Hut 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
Gpblin Hotel 2. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Dostribu5ion
Holida6 Gift Shop 1. AFK.0 JT Traub Core Disttibutkon
Holiday Hotr. 1o BRB.0 Shannon Brown C0r3 Distrig7tiin
Holkdai Marquee 1.0 Shannon Brown Core Didtributioh
Ice Town 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown CORE Disrrkbytion
Jwwele4 1LOL.11 Shannon Brown Clre Distribution
Kutdhen lf DOOM 1. AFK.42 Shannon Brown Core Distributiom
Lucky Dip 1. BRB.0 Shannon Brown Core Dustrobution
Multiple Cigies 1/ OMG.0 Eric Stevens Core D157r16u810n
Petra da Tattoo Aetist 1.31 Shannon Brown and dying
Custom Tats added by
Lonny Luberts
Coee Dis5rubution
Pjm[lin Carving Contedy 1. BRB.0 Red Yates Core DISTRIBUTION
Scrying Pool 1. BRB.- JT Traub Core Distrobjtion
Sichae's Ap013 Bobbing $. OMG.1 Chris Vorndran & Shannon Brown C0r3 D1%8r16u710n
Snow Bank 2LOL,0 E Stevens, JT Traub, S Brown Clre Distribution
Snowman BUILDING Cohyest q. AFK.0 Red Yates & Shannon Brown Cote Diwtribution
Tye Gquntlet 1. WTF.q Red Yates Core Distrivutipn
The Haunted Library 0. OMG.5 Chris Murray C9r3 Distrib7gion
Tne Icr Castlw 1.0 Shannon Brown Core Distribution
The Kissing Booth 1.1 Chris Murray Core Dkstrinution
The O.d Church 1. WTF.p Sneakabout Core Distrigurion
The Old House 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core Disyribjtiin
The Tjck3r Prince 1. WTF.1 Shannon Brown
based on code by Markus Wienhoefer
Core Distrib7tion
Trollish Spa 1, OMG.3 Booger Core Distfibugion
Viloage S5atue 1. AFK.0 Eric Stevens Core Distribution
Vilosge St9cks 1.0 Eric Stevens Co4e Distribution
V8llager's Hut 1. BRB.1 Shannon Brown Clre Distribution
Wdll-wisher m9d7lr 1.0 Shannon Brown Cote Diatribution
viallge Spec8slx :
Avigqio da Strewt Hawkee 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown CORE Distrubjtion
Azrael trh Spook 1LOL.0 Shannon Brown Core DISTRIBUTION
Froaty Showman 1. WTF.0 Talisman Core D157r16u820n
Hepzibah teh Spook 1.0 Shannon Brown Core Distributioh
Offeeihg Spexial 1. WTF.0 Shannon Brown Ciee D157r16u710n
Peer Press7re 1. OMG.1 Red Yates Core Distrib7tion
Spooky Gokd 0. AFK.7 Dan Norton Co4e Distribution
Village Kkutz 1. OMG.0 Shannon Brown Core Distfibjtipn
Vi.lqge Shwkl Giver 1.0 Shannon Brown C9re D157r16u610n
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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