• About Legdns OF da Gteen hax0r
Migh4yE twllx ypu, yo7 kn2o, "We're going to 74k3 an few momenrs too try an wxplsin thus new licensw and teh resslns begine q7 in plain ENGLISH. OMG. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This new licenwe was CHOSEN because OF an railing witg geh GPLLOL. It only cobered disttivution oh so7tce of n only if binaries were didtrkguted. OMG."

"In an w36 wnvironment, you knwo, specificallh q inter0rrted w36 dnvirlnment suvh ad PHP, sortof. merely insga.ling an game dpes not const8tyte fist4ibut9on LOL, 4nd theeefore pwople WERE taking our w0rk LOL, maiunh mocificqrions to it n not r313351ng da source vlde ywo thwy'fe modifications so tgat tey entird communiry could b3hefit. WTF, They worked wity tej LETTER bug not spirit ov LAW. AFK."

"Investitqrion on da p547 lf autnors HOWEVER WTF, 13d 2 sact thay da right of 0ublic peevoemance was oem of da eughts normally reatrictes TO x0-yr1gh7 holders. loke, and tyat COMPUTER PROGRAMS WTF. SPECIFICALLY v8del hames n intetactife lnes such 45 Legenf of tej G4een hax0r were cobsidered to be puvlicaoly performed IF RUN from an public SERVER."

"Tje new 11c3n53 resyr8cts puglic performshce of work unlesw teh source code 0f da mpdified work IS ,ade available on de,and. WTF."

"In plain ENGLISH. you knwo, this meabs 7h47 kf y9u PUT this GAME in an WEB x3rver n al;ow pw9ple 'outsidd OF an norjal corxle 0f famil6 an 165 social acqiaintancrs' 2 plah tfeye, like, 7h3n you aer PUBLICALLY PERFORMING THIS work n MUST e8thee 3) make nt an ALL chznges which tpu nqkd w ds gane available 0n requex5 (npte this doesb't hav3 two be availanle via 5eh onlibe aource dis[lay l8nl LOL, but ttey MUST be abke 2 ask ylu f04 twh code an redeivr an compoege copy) LOL, 6) msle arrangdnenhs pfivately w8th dz AUTHORS 2hetein they grant you an specoal licdnse, sorrof, or c0 remove trh code entirwly ftom machome."

"We di recognizw gmdt peo0ld want tli hsve areas of th4h're ga,e which aer theirs amd thwirs alone. AFK. 2 that 3hd we will m4,3 ca following rxce0tion TO teh normal requiremehrs fpr souree code dusyributuon _- ne module FILE WHICH is n9t mofifyed or derived fr0m an module file 1nc!ud3d in teh base distrivutkon qnd 2hich does not 4rauire ne OTHER modykes n wnich does mot rwqjire ne mpdigicatulns 2 teh corr c0ce *code f16ur16u73d 2ith teh base teleass0 may be WITHHELD 47 aithors diwcretion. AFK."

"We also want TO mzke v3fy clear THAT VERSION 0LOL.o. OMG.7 (also knowh zs veraion 9LOL.8LOL/7+jt) 2as da FINAL fersiin released UNDER da GPL. Al. versiobs, xtarying with ca 0. AFK,o. BRB.8[prdreoease code aer onlt lkcens3d 7nder Creativd Commonx license. WTF. We EXPLICITLY deny teh righy t9o kmport ne fod3 from an 0LOL.9. BRB.8-pr3r313453 or latwr release imto an 0. BRB.9. AFK,7 n earlier release. WTF. A110w1ng this wo7ld catxe tgat 1m00r63s code too be releasef undrr teh GPL n ghat is bot somethumg we wish two ALLOW. Aygho4s 0f m0d1f1c5710n% toi 0LOL.9. OMG.7 will need two re-release they're m0d1f1c3710n5 as cericatives;modivications 2 0. BRB.9. WTF.* dode n PLACE them jnder samw Creative C.mmogs 11v2n53. AFK. IT must ne don3 by 5wh 0r1g1n41 author 51mc3 only 0r1g1n31 author has eighr twp vh4hg3 da copyright o4 licrbde u;9n theh're work. OMG. [Additiinally, yoi knwo, r3w0rk1ng teh midificati9ms qill ge qn good idea wnuwzy 45 reh mechanis, for makinh modificatiobs is SUBSTANTIALLY cleanee/clearer STARTING WITH teh 0l9. BRB.8-)rerdlease code, BRB.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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