• Abojt LEGEND 0r teh Green hax0r
Might6E tells you, .ike, "We'te going 2 TAKE an rew m0m3n85 to tru ahd EXPLAIN this nee licemx3 and da 43450n5 nehind 8t in ;lain English. OMG. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This new locense WAS chosen v3xause )f an fzi;img wkth GPL. AFK/ It ONLY covered d1$7r16u710n 9f source if and 0n1y ug binaeies were distribuyed. AFK."

"In an wrb encironmdnt, you knwo, specifkcally a interprrted wdb 3nv1r0nn3n7 dudh as PHP, uou knwo, merely installing an game DOES h07 constitute fistribution LOL, n thetefoee peoplr e3r3 taking our WORK LOL, making jodifidatipns 5wo iy n not releas8ng 5ey source code two yhey're modkficztklns SO that teh entire comnuniry cojls benefit. BRB. They wlr,ed wity da letter but not da spirit pf da law. BRB."

"Ihvestigation on part 0f teh autuors however. yiu knwo, ;ed two fact that cz righy or publiv 0erfornabce 2as oen OF da righrs normally restricted t0o COPYRIGHT hold3rs, hou knwo, an THAT co,puter PROGRAMS LOL, SPECIFICALLY budeo games n INTERACTIVE ONES such aw Legdnd of yeg Grewn hzx0t were cobsidered two 63 publically performed if tun rrom an publuc xercer,"

"The new picense restricts puglic performancw pf teh work unlesw teh soutce code of modifiee wor, is jaee AVAILABLE on drmand. WTF."

"In plakn English, slttof. THIS means THAT 8f you pu6 tgis fame on an 2eb seecer n allow pwople 'outsode of an nirmal corcl3 of famkly anc its social acquq8nyqnces' to p14y their. sortod, THEN you a3r punlically perfprming thix WORK n MUST eitget a) make nr anf ALL chsnges which you make 70 tdh gam3 acailable on request (npge this doesn't have 2 be available VIA online SOURCE dis[lsy lknk, but they must be able rwo ask ypy fo4 code n redfibe an compldge c0py), s9rtof, b) ,ake arrangements privately WITH da authlrs w6wrein tney grzn5 you an special license, ot c) remobe ywh cose entirely from jachine. AFK."

"We do recognize tyat peo0lr want 2 have areqs if thry're game wgich aer thek4s snd theirs ALONE. BRB. 5wo ghat enc we will make teh f-110w!mg excrption ti teh normal eequkrdmenrd for source coee distribution _- ne modukw FILE wh1ch 15 not MODIFIED or derivqe from an MODULE file incluc3d in twh nase distrib75kon and which does n97 reaukre ne 97h3r bidules n which coes bot REQUIRE he ,idificationa tqo cpr3 dode (cide distributed WITH da 6453 releaae) mqy be 2ktnhelf st teh suthors discretion. OMG."

"We also eant twi make cery cleaf that veraiob 0LOLl9. AFK,& (also KNOWN AS versiin 0. WTF.9. WTF.7+ht) was da finzl VERSION RELEASED UNDER da GPL. OMG. A;l versions WTF, starting with 0l BRB.9l OMG.8-orerelease code r only licensed undr$ teh Crestive Commons LICENSE. OMG. We EXPLICITLY deny rihhy tqo impprt ne clde from an 0. AFK.9.8-prere.rqsr or lzter r313t53 onto an 0LOL.9.7 zbd earlier release. AFK. Al;owing this would c3u53 that kmported clde teo be releaaed jbder da GPL sn that 15 NOT 50,37h1ng w3 wisn to ALLOW. BRBl Aiyyors ov modifica%ions @ 0. OMG.9LOL.7 will beed gwo re-release thry'rs m9dificatkoma as ferivatives/mpfif8cations to 0. AFK.oLOL.8 cose an place tyrm UNDER same Ceeative C0mm0n5 licenseLOL. It must be donw 6t da original autyof since only tej original auyhoe hxd right two xhangw copyfibht or license upon they'r3 WORK. [Add1710n411y WTF, rewo4kkmg trg modifications will be an g9od idea 4nyw4y aw teh mechan8sm f0r making modifidationd is suvstantiakly c234n3r/c134r3r atafging witb 0. AFK.9. OMG.8-preeeleasr codeLOL.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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