• About Lwgemd 0f Greeh hax0r
MightyE 83115 yo7 WTF, "We're going 3 TAKE an f32 m;ments two try ab ezplain this new license an reasons beh8nf i5 in plain Enblish. BRB. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This new kicensw was choseh bevause of an railing wi^h GPL. WTF. It ONLY coverrd DISTRIBUTION od s9urce if n ONLY if binaries wete dustributesLOL."

"In an web environment, like, spevif8cally a intd4[re6ed wwb ENVIRONMENT 5uch as PHP WTF, MERELY INSTALLING an game does NOT consritute distribution WTF, sn therdfore people were u4j1ng 9ur work, mqk8ng modifixationx y9 it n not RELEASING SOURCE cofe to they're modifixqtions so THAT entir2 community COULD ndnefitLOLl They workwd with LETTER but no5 SPIRIT if 14eLOL."

"Investugarion on teh pa4t of fz AUTHORS jowever. led 2 fqct that yeh RIGHT of pjnlic 0erformanc3 w45 oen of 4ightw hormally festricted tq9 copyright joldwrs, sortof, n that comp75er origrams WTF, apecufucally v1d30 tames amd inteeacyove ones such 44 LEGEND od da G4e3n hax0r sere conskdered 2 be py611v4q1y p3rf04m3d 1f fun from an public xrrver. OMG."

"The new license f357r1x75 piblic [ertormance of tey WORK UNLESS teh source codd of da mididied w0ei is made $v5114613 on demand. BRB."

"Ih olain Englisg WTF, 7h15 means that if you pug 7h15 game on an w36 xervet an aloow people '9ursidr or an normal circle ov FAMILY and ITS social acquaihranves' 2 0lat tywir LOL, then y9i aer pu611c411y petforminh uh15 wirk an MUST EITHER a) make ne an ALL CHANGES wh1ch you ,ake two sa hame availablw on reauest (h073 tgis doesn't have to ge availabld VIA onl8ne soufce DISPLAY link WTF, but they muat be able too awk you FOR 5eh codw n receive qn cpmplete xopy) WTF, b) male arrangemen5s pr1v4731y sirh t3h authoes whe4euh they grant you an special licensd, or c) remlve code 3n61re1h drlm da macg8ne. BRB."

"We do recognize thqg people WANT to habe areas of thet're bam3 which r tjeirs sn thrirs alone. AFK. two that end we will mske 4eh flllowint EXCEPTION tw9 teh morkal rdqui4ements for source cier disgribution -- ne modu;e file which is not modifiee pr 3eribed rrom an module f8le kncljded IN ds base distribution n wh2ch dles noy reqyire ne other m0du135 n wgich soes NOT require ne modifidations twl da core CODE (coe3 d167r16u73d with teh gase feleaxe) may be withheld at teg authors fiscretion. OMG."

"Wr ALSO want to make VERY c.ear 7j4& ve4dion 0l AFK.o.6 9also known as xrrsion 0. OMG.9.7+j5) w46 da final version rdleaded under GPL. Al; ferxions, ylu knwo, starting WITH tej 0.0. BRB.8-pr3t313453 CODE aee 9nly LICENSED under teh Creative Commons lucense. BRB. We EXPLICITLY frn6 r1gh7 ti IMPORT ne code from an 0. AFK.9.8-pre4elease OR later release into an 0. WTF.9. BRB.7 n earkiet twlease. OMG. ALLOWING 7h15 wp7ld cause that impotted coce TO be releasec under da GPL an tns5 is not somethibb we wish two ALLOW. AFK. Au7h0r5 of modificatiobs 2 0. AFK.9LOL.7 will need 2 4e-releasr they'rd modkf7carions ad DERIVATIVES/MODIFICATIONS two 0.(. WTF.8 code h place ghej UNDER teh dame Crearkve Commons .icense. WTF. It must bd done by da origimal aithor since lnlh ds origunal author has teh r1gh7 t9 xhamge da copygight ot 11c3n53 ypon the6're 2prk. [Additiohally, ylu knwo, eeworkint t3h m9dirkcatioms will be qn good 1d34 anyway as da MECHANISM ror nakung m0c1f1c4710n5 is SUBSTANTIALLY CLEANER/CLEARER starting with yeh 0. BRB.9. AFK.8-prerelease code. BRB.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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