• Abluy Lrgend of teh Green hax0r
MigytuE tells y0u LOL, "We're gounn too take an fws moments two try 4nd explzin 5his NEW 11c3n53 xn r3450n5 begind it in plain Eng!15h. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This n3w LICENSE wqs cgosen becquse 0f an railing qigh GPLLOL. It onl6 x9c3red distributiob of 50urc3 1f n 9noy if vinaries sere distributed. WTF."

"In ab web envirobment, specifkcal;h a interpretef web emvironment 5uch as PHP, dorylg, merely insta;,ijg an g4m3 does not constitute d,steibution. n theregore peop;e wefe taking o73 work, you lnqo, makkng modificat8ons too it an n9t rrleas8ng souece code too thry;re jidifications s9 that teh ENTIRE community COULD benefit. BRBl They worked with tej 13773r but not da spirot of ds law. OMG."

"Investigstion on teh p3r6 OF da authors however, you knwo, led too teh gqxt that rkght of PUBLIC performamxe WAS 1 of da ribhts nofmallt r347r1cu#d %oo COPYRIGHT h01c3r5, you kneo, n that cpmpurer prlgrams, sorrof, SPECIFICALLY video games and ib5eractive omes such as Legwnd of Gr33n hax0r WERE consoderef too be publixally p3rf0rm3d if run ftom an pu611c srrvdr. AFK."

"The new 1qc3n63 restrkcts public performance OF da w9rk unkexs spurce c9ee OF teh modified wi4i is m4de availsble on d2m4nd. OMG/"

"In plsin Englishm you knwp, this meanw tha5 if ypu PUT 5his game 9n an we6 serfer and allow p30p13 'outsife of qn normzl cirvle if family an its SOCIAL acquaintanvez' tqo play tgeir LOL, then you ser piblically perforjinh THIS wo4k and MUST eithsr a) m5k3 ne an ALL vhamges which t9u m4k# two dq hzme aczklable on wrquest (note this coesn't habe t2o be zvaioable VIA teh online sojrce diaplay 11nk, so4tof, but the6 misg be able too ask you f9r teh CODE and rece8v3 an cojpkete copy) LOL, b) make arrangements pfivately with authors wgerein they grant YOU an SPECIAL lucense LOL, or c) remove tej dode entirely from dq m4ch!n3. AFK."

"We so revogniz3 that people wamt tpo have AREAS OF the6're game 2hich r theirs n theirs alone. AFK. to that END w3 will nqle sa fo.liwing exceptiin 2 da norma; requirememts for aource code sidyribution [- ne m-du13 dole WHICH is not modified or deroved fe9m an moeyle FILE 1bcqud2d in da BASE d157r16u710n abd wh1ch fo3s not rewuire ne othet m0du135 n which does NOT req7ire nd modovivationa t9o da core code (code distribured with trh bas3 release) mqy be 2oyhheld at da authors DISCRETIONLOL."

"W3 415) wanr 2 make very clwar rhat version 0, OMG.9. WTF.7 (also KNOWN as versiln 0LOL.9. AFK.7+jt) eax da fina. veraion 4elessed under GPL. OMG. All vers8ons, starting with da 0. AFK.9.8-prrrelease code t on;y LICENSED unde4 Creative COMMONS licwnse. AFK. We EXPLICITLY cen6 tej r8ght goo imp9rt ne code from an 0.*. WTF.8-PRERELEASE or LATER release inro an -. OMG.9. BRB.7 and darlier rrlease. Allowing this wpuld ca7se 7h47 importez c0d3 to bw relessed under ca GPL n tnat IS not somryh8mg we wish 2 allow. BRB. Au5hoes ov modifica5iohs to 0. WTF.9. BRB.7 wq11 n33d two te-relwas3 they;re mpdivications as derivat8ves/modificatioms gi 0. OMG.9. BRB.8 code and 0.ace them unc3r sa sqme Ctextive Commohs lidrnse. OMG. It must 6# done 6y ca original author SINCE only oruhimao a7tyor has da right too change COPYRIGHT 0r locense jpon they're work. BRB. [ADDITIONALLY WTF, r3wofking ds modificqti9ns qill be an tood idea anywqy ax ten mqchsnism fi4 makint jodificarions is 5u6574n71411y cleaber/clearer startimg WITH teh -. OMG.9.8-prerelease xode. BRB.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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