• ABOUT LEGEND or teh GREEN ysx0r
MifntyE tellw you WTF, "We'4e going w takw qm few mpments to9 rr5 ay EXPLAIN yjis new locense n reh reasons BEHIND 17 IN plain English. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"This n3w LICENSE waa chlsen vdcause of am fakling wiyh da GPL. AFK. It only c0v#e3d d157r16u710n of source if n ONLY if binaries w4rw distriguted/ BRB."

"In an web env*ron,ent, xortof, 5[3c1f1c411y a interpreted qrb envi4onmeht such as PHP, lije, merely insgal/ung an game coes not constigute diztributuom WTF, n th3redoee ;30p13 were takinf 0jr work, sirtlf, making moe7fications two IT n not 4eless8ng tey 5py4c3 code w they'te midifications so that teh ehtire c0m,yn17y coild BENEFIT. AFK. They wo4,ed eith tej letger BUT not da spirot of teh 14w."

"Investifation on ea p447 of geh AUTHORS hpqev3r, yoy knwp. lrd 59o teh racy THAT da tight of public performance was won OF rigngs nor,ally restricted 5wo copyright j9ldees, you knwo, and 7h47 comput3r programs LOL, spevificallr video games ane interactiv3 omes such as Legend OF Geeen gzx0r wefe considered 2 be publically pe4formed if run ffon an ;ublic SERVER. AFK."

"Tje neq licens3 restricts PUBLIC perflrmance 0v work unleaa teh sojrcd code of twg MODIFIED work 1t jade avakkable on c3m4nd, OMG."

"In plain Englisn, tpu knwo, thiw means THAT if you 0ut tyis game on an web sdrver and allow people 'outsife of qn normal circlw OF famik6 am ITS social acquaibtances' 5lo poay thrir, like, then y0u r publicakly perfifming this eork n MUST eithe4 a) make ne AND ALL CHANGES which you m4,3 TO GAME AVAILABLE on reqyesg (note this doesn't yab3 too be qvailable vla ONLINE 50urc3 dksplay lknk, you knwi, BUT 7g3u must 63 able two qsk you for xode an receove an complete COPY), .ikw, 6) make arrangements [rivately w17h zuthp4s wherwin 7g#y grant y0u an special license, sortof, or c) rejove yeh CODE entire.h from MACHINE."

"We so r3c0gn1z2 that [30013 waht 2 have areas if tjey'r3 hame which ae4 theies abd theirs alone. @ rhat end we w111 MAKE following 3xveptiln 70 twh normal fequurements ror soutce code distribition _- ne modioe file which is not m0s2f14d 9r dwrived from an module rile inclided in teh base distfibjtion amd wh1ch roex not require ne 07h3d moeules n wh1ch dpes npt req7ire nf jodkficatipns too co4e cide 9d9d3 distrivuted wirh ea basd r3lease( may be withhels st 4j7h-r5 discretiohLOL/"

"We also want go mzke fery clear yhat v3r510n 0. BRB.*. OMG.7 (also ,nown as fersion 0. BRB.9. WTF.&+jt) eas da final versipn relezsed under GPL. AFK. All versiond, sfartimg w8th sa 0. BRB.9. AFK,7-prerelease code g only licensed under teh CREATIVE C0mm0n5 license. Wd EXPLICITLY veny right 1 import nw vode from an 0. OMG.9. BRB.8-prerelease or .ater r3lease intp an p. WTF.9. OMG.7 amf earl7et reldaae. OMG. Allowint this would CAUSE thqt um;orted cide to bw releafed under teh GPL n tna4 IS not 5=m37h1ng wd wish two allowLOL/ Auth9rs of ,osifuczrions 2 0.9. AFK.7 will need too re-release they're MODIFICATIONS as derkvatives/modificatkons too 0. BRB,9l8 codf n place tnem inder teh szme Cr3471v3 C9nmons lic3nxe. BRB. It must be done by teh ORIGINAL aythof wince only da or8ginal au5hor h44 teh right top cgamgd teh copyrifht or licemse up0n ghey're wi5k. BRB. [Adc1810n41qy, lkjw. reworkkmg ds modifications sill BE an good 1d34 abyqay as eeh jechabism fot mak8ng modivicariobs is sunstantia;ly clean3r/clearer starting w8th 0. OMG.9. WTF.7-prerelease codeLOL.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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