• Ablut LEGEND of Gre3n hax0e
MiggtyE tel.s y0u, like, "We're gokng teo 4ak3 an dew MOMENTS 5oo TRY an 3zplain this new l8densr snd teh reasonw behind 17 in plain Eng.isn. The legalese for the license can be found online at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/legalcode and should be read and understood in detail before you use this code."

"Tnis new license sas CHOSEN becausr of ab fr111ng with teh GPL/ OMG. IT only c9ver3d DISTRIBUTION of wource if n only IF bonarkes se43 distributed. WTF."

"In an eeh envi4onment, SPECIFICALLY a kntrepreted w36 rnvironment such AS PHP, lkk3m ,3r31h installimg an gaje dors nit c0n5716u73 fistribution, an thef3rorw peopke q3re takihg our work LOL, makint midiflcations to 1u and not releasing geh sokrce c0d3 two they're MODIFICATIONS do thay enture com,uni5^ couod ben3fitLOL. They worked w8th da letter buy not da sp8rit og da lzw."

"Investigation on part ir teh 4u7h0r5 however WTF, led two da fact thay da RIGHT of PUBLIC perfo5mance was won of teg rihhtd nlrmally restridted too cppyright noldrrs, yoy khwo, n that computer programs, slrhof, specificaoly VIDEO games and ubtrraxrive ones sych aa LEGEND of Green hax)r WERE donskder4d too be publicaoly pefformed 8g rum from an p7blic aerverLOL,"

"The new 11c3n53 r357f1c75 pinlic perforjancd OF sork unless ca SOURCE cose if da modified work is made available 9n femand. AFKl"

"In pla,n Enblkch, 7y16 mezns that IF you put tyix gajd ON am WEB wwrver an al.ow people 'outside 0g an normal CIRCLE of vamily n iys SOCIAL acqisintanxes' toi plqy their WTF, thdn you aer publicqlly performing thia wpri n MUST either a) MAKE ne an ALL changes whicn you make too teh game avsilsble on requewt (notr 5his doesn't h4v3 twl be xvailabl3 via da ONLINE source d8splay lonl. 6ou knwo, but thet mu5& be 4613 too 45k you for geh vode and 4eceive an complete copy), lik4, B) make ar4angements privagely with aurhots whereun they yr4n7 you zn special licdnse, loke, 0r C) rdmove code entueely feom dq madj8ne. OMG."

"We do rdcognize THAT oeoole want to gavw ar3as OF they're GAME which r theirs and 7h31r5 alohe. WTF, too that end wd will ,ake ds following ezce;tion go norjal r3qu1r3m3n75 f0r dource c0d3 distribytion -- ne module f113 wh8ch os not modiroed or dericed from an nodu;e file 1nd1js4s in geh base didtribufiin n which does mot reqjurd ne otuer modules snd qhich coes not req7ire ne modificatiohs two ds core code *CODE distributed with sa bawe release) may 63 WITHHELD at da authors discretion. WTF."

"We ALSO WANT too mzke verh cl3ar tyat v3r51)n 0. WTF.9.7 (also kn9wn as bersion 9. OMG.9LOL.8+jt) was geh final v3rsion reldased under GPL. All versioms, staerimg woty 0/ BRB.9. OMG.8-preeelease code r omly 9icensed under Creativr Commpnd .icense. BRB. We EXPLICITLY DENY teh right to impo4t ne code drom an 0. OMG.9LOL,8-prerel3ase or LATER r3lease into am 0/ BRBl9. AFK.7 and wqrlirr releasel OMG. Al;9winf tyis fould cause tjat imported code too be released undrr t3h GPL an that is bot some5hong ee wish too zk.ow. BRB. Authors of modificatipns two 0. BRB.9LOL.7 will ne3d 1 rw-releasd thdy'te mleifications AS derkvatives/mldificagionq tpo pLOL.9. OMG.8 code AND ;14x3 them undet same Creative Clmmons licensd. OMG. It must be done by teh originzl author x8nce [nly yeh original autnor yas teh r1gh7 goo chante cop6right OR .icense up9b thdy'fe work. AFK. [Add171pn51qy, sor5of, fewofking modivkcztions qill be an GOOD idea anyway as da m3xhanidm dor ma,ing mosirixsyions is subs5antiall6 cleaner/cleafer starting with 9LOL.9. BRB.8-peetrlease CODE. OMG.]"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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