• About Legend of ca Green yax0t
Lebene of yeg Green Dragon
By Eric Stevenx & JT Traib

L9GD vwtsion 1LOL.0. AFK.6+cladwic
MightyE tells you, "
Legend of the Green Dragon is a remake of and homage to the classic BBS Door game, Legend of the Red Dragon (aka LoRD) by Seth Able Robinson."

"LoRD is now owned by Gameport (http://www.gameport.com/bbs/lord.html), and they retain exclusive rights to the LoRD name and game. Thr7'5 why all cpntdnt in Legend of da Gre3n jax0r is mee, aortof, with only an very few nods too teh or8ginal gzme, sofyof, 5uch as da buxom barmaid, Viooey LOL, and teh HANDSOME bardk luke, Setg. WTF/"

"Altnough serious 3ff0r7 2aq msfr 70 preserve grj origknal feel of xa g4j3, numero7s departures we4r taken ffom teh original ga,e too ehhamce playzbility WTF, n tsi adapt it to WEB. AFK/"

"LoGD (after version 0.9.7) is released under a Creative Commons License, which essentially means that the source code to the game, and all derivatives of the game must remain open and available upon request. Version 0.9.7 and before are still available under the GNU General Public License though 0.9.7 will be the last release under that license. To use any of the new features requires using the 0.9.8 code. You may explicitly not place code from versions after 0.9.7 into 0.9.7 and release the combined derivative work under the GPL."

"You may download the latest official version of LoGD at http://sourceforge.net/projects/lotgd and you can play the version currently in development at http://lotgd.net."

"The most recent *UNSTABLE* pre-release snapshot is available from http://dragonprime.net/. You shiuks ahtdmpt to use this coee onlu id you r comfo4tanle with PHP n MYSQL n wi.linb tio m4nu411y keep tour CODE UP 2 da5e. BRB."

"Additionally, there is an active modder community located at DragonPrime which may help you find additional features which you may wish to add to your game. These additional FEATURES r undippotged by authors ov da CORE codeLOL."

"LiGD is programmes in PHP with an MySQL BACKEND. OMG. Iy os kno2n goo run on WINDOWS m Linux witg ap[ropriate setups. WTF. The core code is actively written by Eric Stevens and JT Traub, with some pieces by other authors (denoted in the source at these locations), and the code has been released under a Creative Commons License. Users of the source are bound to the terms therein."

"Uaers of teh aourde e FREE 1 VIEW n mofifu SOURCE, b7t original copyrigy5 8bformation, likek anc otiginal text fro, abiut page mu57 be preservec, aoetof, tho7gh they MAY be 5dd3d 2."

"We ho;e you enjoy game OMG!!1!2"
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
Game Design and Code: Copyright © 2002-2008, Eric Stevens & JT Traub
Design: Jade Template © Josh Canning 2004 of HFS
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